
Tag Archives: Washington DC

Vitriol or Friendship

Courage And Fear

There are only a couple of weeks left before the 2016 election season is over. Like many, I am disgusted with the process and what I am witnessing. This year is bringing out the worst in so many, many people. I started working elections as a teenager and cannot remember such an emotional, divisive campaign. […]

Voter Fraud is a Real Threat to the US

Fraud Concept - Magnifying Glass.

For the last few elections a growing undercurrent has started to swell. There have been more and more incidents of voter fraud being reported on each election cycle. But even as we hear reports of abuse, we hear little of consequences–either punishment or prevention. No one of any consequence accepts responsibility. This is a serious […]

Christians and Public Service


Disclaimer: This article is specifically written to Christians, proceed at your own risk. If you choose to proceed you may find words that do not make sense and statements that appear foolish. Christ calls us to: Love God with all of our heart. Love our neighbors as ourselves. If Christ is the foundation upon which […]

Wow, Are We Foolish!


I am equally bemused and concerned by what is going on in America this week. All parties involved: Republicans, Democrats, media, the public are reacting in a predictable, destructive way. History looks to be repeating itself despite entire books over the centuries devoted to avoiding just that outcome. We are currently in a partial government […]

New Hints of Class Warfare


I was heading north from West Palm Beach on the Florida Turnpike–possibly the epicenter of American vacationland. This artery begins in orange groves, touches upon Orlando and Disney, and extends almost to the Everglades, providing access to some of the most extensive beach developments in Florida. Astonishingly, the tollgates read “Cash Not Accepted” at many […]