
Tag Archives: Taxes

What Education is getting Right


If you read my writings you know I am passionate about this upcoming generation. I personally invest in them as I have the opportunity. I also serve our public education system as an elected board member. There are many critics of the public schools, I would like to focus on what I see them doing […]

Wow, Are We Foolish!


I am equally bemused and concerned by what is going on in America this week. All parties involved: Republicans, Democrats, media, the public are reacting in a predictable, destructive way. History looks to be repeating itself despite entire books over the centuries devoted to avoiding just that outcome. We are currently in a partial government […]

Early Budget Projects Positive Balance


Tech upgrades on hold pending state formula answers “The Affton School District’s ambitious five-year plan to upgrade technology balances finely on the $2 million or so it receives from the state, which is currently tinkering with the funding formula for public education. As a result, the board of education has put together a preliminary, “worst-case […]

Board Denounces “Everything Tax”


“The Affton School Board followed the lead of dozens of public school districts across the state by passing a resolution in opposition to what some have derisively dubbed “The Everything Tax.” The resolution stated that the tax – a proposed consumption tax that would replace the state income tax – would “make Missouri’s already bad […]

Kenrick Redevelopment Project Stalled


“The changes being made to the controversial Kenrick Plaza site plan by developer GJ Grewe may delay the project by several months, or even call into question the future of the Walmart-anchored redevelopment. The changes are being made to avoid having to move the guy-wires that anchor a nearby radio tower, a move that Grewe […]