Tag Archives: fear

Cloud Computing & Business


Over the last few years there has been a raging debate over the intelligence of cloud computing for consumers. With the success of Dropbox, Drive, et al, we see the tide has turned. Consumers are increasingly happy being seamlessly (mostly) connected to their data across their computing platforms (pc, laptop, tablet and smartphone). The current […]

Wow, Are We Foolish!


I am equally bemused and concerned by what is going on in America this week. All parties involved: Republicans, Democrats, media, the public are reacting in a predictable, destructive way. History looks to be repeating itself despite entire books over the centuries devoted to avoiding just that outcome. We are currently in a partial government […]

A Dangerous Disconnect


The Communication Gap Between Education and The Tax Payers Any time a critical institution loses the trust of its constituency there can be severe consequences. The current lack of communication between family-focused Americans and the schools that educate their kids is staggering. It is difficult being in a position where I can understand both sides, […]

Avoiding The Angst


I believe I am personally called to “Love God” and to “Love Others”. This is a personal conviction I have and one I sincerely hope I have instilled in my children. This calling is lived out in many ways. In loving or helping other people it is very easy to go too far and connect […]

The Dark Secret


It often frustrates me that we are unwilling to talk about the dark struggles we have as people. Typically it is some sort of addictive behavior that we desperately want to escape from, yet we do not want anyone to know. Hate to burst anyone’s bubble but we all have struggled with some behavior that […]