
Tag Archives: Education Funding

It Takes A Community

Colorful Multi-ethnic People Teams Or Communities Meet As Circle

I spent the last 2 ½ days with school board members from across the state. School board members (seven per school district) are elected and serve free of charge to their communities. School board service is a significant commitment and can be quite draining when difficult situations arise and need to be dealt with. It […]

Education Issues 2014

edplus leg bkfst

I had the pleasure of attending the 2014 EducationPlus Legislative Breakfast this morning. Most of the school districts in St. Louis were represented along with about 20 Legislators, including the Governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon. I really appreciated how the event was organized and truly focused in on the key issues we face. I would […]

What Education is getting Right


If you read my writings you know I am passionate about this upcoming generation. I personally invest in them as I have the opportunity. I also serve our public education system as an elected board member. There are many critics of the public schools, I would like to focus on what I see them doing […]

The Fix for Student Transfer

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A lot of money has been spent this last year dealing with the Student Transfer challenge. I am currently on the board at EducationPlus (formerly CSD, Cooperating School Districts). EducationPlus administered the transfer program this year. Living closely with the consequences of this program has given rise to some good ideas. These are clearly listed […]

Stop Common Core!


Over the past weeks the number of conservatives approaching me about Common Core has skyrocketed. As a school board member and someone actively involved in education I take notice of this. I am, and have been, aware of Common Core for some time, and all school districts are touched by it in a deep, substantive […]

A Dangerous Disconnect


The Communication Gap Between Education and The Tax Payers Any time a critical institution loses the trust of its constituency there can be severe consequences. The current lack of communication between family-focused Americans and the schools that educate their kids is staggering. It is difficult being in a position where I can understand both sides, […]