Tag Archives: government

Apple the Great!


Market forces bring us to decisions we often would not make on our own. Part of the beauty of our economy and our way of life is the creativity in both business ideas and implementation. Throughout our history men and women have had the opportunity to invent both products and processes. Every once in a […]

Kenrick Redevelopment Project Stalled


“The changes being made to the controversial Kenrick Plaza site plan by developer GJ Grewe may delay the project by several months, or even call into question the future of the Walmart-anchored redevelopment. The changes are being made to avoid having to move the guy-wires that anchor a nearby radio tower, a move that Grewe […]

Giving Your Intelligence Away

Social Networking

Social networking is now the norm for a majority of Americans. I have talked about some of the relational and social implications of this previously. Living life in the cloud is very convenient, there is a lack of intimacy that is almost numbing. People say things online they would never say in person, and this […]

Where Our Money is Going


FoxBusiness published some information today based on recent figures from the Census Bureau. Stunning information abounds in the first few slides. The top three cities in the United States for per capita income are in the Washington D.C. area. The top three! The wealthiest group of people in our country do not reside in Hollywood, […]