Affton Schools Host Legislators at Early Childhood Center

Pictured (back row, L-R): newly elected Sen. Scott Sifton, Dist. 1; Affton Board of Education Vice President Douglas Beck; Director Larry Knox; Superintendent Dr. Steve Brotherton; Assistant Superintendent Dr. Travis Bracht; (front row, L-R) Affton Board of Education Director Patricia Zahn; Director Sue Casaleggi; newly elected Rep. Bob Burns, Dist. 93; Rep. Genise Montecillo, Dist. 92; and Rep. Jeanne Kirkton, Dist. 91. Not pictured: Affton Board of Education President Michael McNeil. Credit Lindsay Toler.
Affton School District hosted a Legislator Breakfast on Jan. 3, providing members of the Board of Education and district administrators an opportunity to meet with state political figures and discuss timely educational issues.
After a tour of the new Affton Early Childhood classrooms and facilities, as well as a visit with the Parents As Teachers program, a dialogue was opened between all those in attendance. State Rep. Jeanne Kirkton, Dist. 91; State Rep. Genise Montecillo, Dist. 92; State Rep. Bob Burns, Dist. 93; and State Sen. Scott Sifton, Dist. 1, were present.
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