Leaders vs. Entropy


The other day my wife made a funny word association looking at our company’s timesheets. She commented that the category “Misc Management” looked an awful lot like “Mismanagement”. This got me thinking. I should clarify that what I am writing has nothing to do with that particular use of Misc Management, it is an appropriate […]

Traditional Project Management is Dead


The discipline just does not know it yet. When I speak of traditional project management, I mean a very rigid approach where the end is predetermined, with a level of specificity to allow for detailed estimates, and schedules. This can be the construction of a building, or the management of an election campaign where massive […]

What Education is getting Right


If you read my writings you know I am passionate about this upcoming generation. I personally invest in them as I have the opportunity. I also serve our public education system as an elected board member. There are many critics of the public schools, I would like to focus on what I see them doing […]

Christians and Public Service


Disclaimer: This article is specifically written to Christians, proceed at your own risk. If you choose to proceed you may find words that do not make sense and statements that appear foolish. Christ calls us to: Love God with all of our heart. Love our neighbors as ourselves. If Christ is the foundation upon which […]

A Study in Humility Phase 2


Back in 2011, when I started converging my writings in a blog, I felt it was important to start off with a focus on humility. The years since have been fascinating. Looking back I can see some areas in which I have grown. I am also able to see more clearly aspects of my life […]

2014 Guide to Chromebook Apps


One of the challenges when entering the Chrome ecosystem is the lack of familiar names and products. The go-to apps on a Chromebook are not the normal fare, and for good reason. Apps on a Chromebook exist in collaboration with the internet at a very deep level. On other platforms, internet goodness is considered a […]