Archive by Author

Excellence in Education


One of the many challenges we have in public education is complacency. I truly believe that most teachers enter the profession for the right reasons. They want to make a difference, they want to impact the lives of children, and they want to shape our society’s future. This has been proven over and over again […]

Who owns you?

Ball and Chain

This is an excellent article by Adrian Short. It accurately points out the quiet disappearance of any privacy on the web. With so much control going to what he refers to as the “Big Web” it will be facinating to watch. The translation of this power to the real world is something we have never […]

Creation’s Healing Power


Recently I have really been a bit down and almost depressed. I have been somewhat ineffective in my work, strong stresses within my school board, and some family issues all had me discouraged. It was very tempting to just sit in a dark room and read, watch tv and just basicly “cave”. A very male […]

School Board Raises Tax Rate


“An apologetic Affton School Board on Sept. 20 voted unanimously to – for a second consecutive year – raise the tax rate on residential property in light of increasing fixed costs and stagnant growth. After a required public hearing, the board voted on a schedule of rate hikes that included raising the residential tax rate […]