Affton School District Channel Article May 2012

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs we wrap up classes to end the 2011-2012 school year, I marvel at the progress across the district. It would be easy to list out all the programs, groups and organizations that have stepped up. It would be easy to point out all the great statistics. What I want to call attention to is the people. The community, staff, parents and students have all taken on the challenge to improve. The people that make up the Affton School District are who make the difference. You can go into any building and clearly see the academic rigor has increased. When you talk to the students they clearly understand expectations are higher than they used to be. The energy and excitement is palpable. We will never know how lives were changed permanently this last year, but we can be assured that many were. We can know that we have done our best to set the students up for a successful, productive future. A future that will impact many generations.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to the hundreds of people that have worked so hard this last year. Your extra effort has made an impact.

Thank You!

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